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Pools - Withdraw claimable

Make sure to use our pool when staking with us:

StakeSafe Pool
#17 StakeSafe Pool

Withdraw your claimable rewards from the pool

When rewards are available you need to manually claim them from the pool.

Restake your pool rewards

You can also manually compound your rewards to the pool. This is described at the next page Pools - Bond extra

To start claiming your rewards from the pool first open the Substrate Portal (also known as the 'Aleph Zero Wallet') in your webbrowser.

Aleph Zero Substrate Portal
  1. Go to your Pooled overview (Network -> Staking -> Accounts -> Pooled):

Aleph Zero Wallet

  1. Click at the three dots next to your pool and select Withdraw claimable

Aleph Zero Wallet

  1. Now to submit, authorize the transaction by typing your password and click Sign and Submit:

Aleph Zero Wallet

  1. All done. The rewards are now available in your account.

To stake tokens this will take 1 ERA (+- 24 hours). To unbond tokens this will take 14 era's (+- 14 days).